Trademark Registration

Be protected


From Filing European Union Trademark Application to Registration Certificate


Filing EU Trademark Application

Fee (EUR)*

In one class


In two classes


In three classes


For each additional class over three



4-7 months

* The fee for European Union Trademark includes all fees (official fee and legal fee); excludes fee for responding to an Office Action, if any.


Fill out this form to get the process started on your trademark application. If you’re not sure how to answer a question, you may leave it blank.

Have more questions? Check out our FAQ or contact us at +371 2992 2129 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Which of the following types best describes the mark you want to register?

Please provide details of what you want to register, for example a word or slogan (word mark) or illustration (figurative mark)

Enter the word or phrase you would like to register

Has your trademark already been protected or applied for in your home country or in another EU country?

Do you intend to extend the protection to the European Union Trademark? 
Please provide us with the necessary data, because this procedure can take place within the scope of priority or seniority.

What goods or services do you want the trademark for?

Your application for a European Union Trademark must contain a list of the goods and/or services to be covered by the mark. Please choose your goods and/or services carefully as you won't be able to add any more at a later stage. Think about how you want to develop your mark in the future before filing the application.

Who is the owner of the trademark?

Enter the name of the person(s) or business entity that owns the trademark

Enter the country of citizenship of the owner(s) of the trademark

Enter the address of the person or business entity that owns the trademark

Enter your details at which IP.CARE may contact you

Enter any additional notes

By submitting this form, you agree to General terms of engagement of an attorney.



P.O. Box 17, Riga LV-1069, Latvia
Phone:  +371 2992 2129
E-mail:    [email protected]
